Tag Archives: R for Excel Users

How to visualise Data in multiple groups in R

How to visualise Data in multiple groups in R Visualizing data in multiple groups is a useful way to compare and contrast the characteristics of different groups of data. In R, there are several ways to visualize data in multiple groups, such as using side-by-side box plots, side-by-side bar plots, or small multiple plots. These …

How to utilize ggplot to visualise Data – scatter plots in R

How to utilize ggplot to visualise Data – scatter plots in R Visualizing data is an important step in understanding and interpreting the results of an analysis. One way to visualize data in R is by using the ggplot2 library, which is a powerful data visualization tool. One of the most common types of plots …

How to do PCA in R to preprocess data

How to do PCA in R to preprocess data Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a technique used in data analysis to reduce the dimensionality of a dataset while retaining as much information as possible. In R, PCA can be used to preprocess data by transforming the original variables of a dataset into a new set …

How to preprocess data in R using Box-Cox Transformation

How to preprocess data in R using Box-Cox Transformation Preprocessing data is an important step in any data analysis project. It involves cleaning and transforming the data so that it is ready for further analysis. One such transformation is the Box-Cox Transformation, which is used to normalize a dataset. In R, the Box-Cox Transformation can …

How to preprocess data in R using normalisation

How to preprocess data in R using normalisation In this Applied Machine Learning Recipe, you will learn: How to preprocess data in R using normalisation.    Essential Gigs Nilimesh: I will develop time series forecasting model for you using python or r for $50 on… For only $50, Nilimesh will develop time series forecasting …

How to utilise classification and regression tree model in R

How to utilise classification and regression tree model in R Classification and Regression Tree (CART) models are a popular method in the field of machine learning for both classification and regression tasks. In R, the “rpart” package is commonly used to build CART models. The first step in using a CART model is to prepare …

How to utilise CARET KNN Model in R

How to utilise CARET KNN Model in R K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) is a type of supervised machine learning algorithm that is used for classification and regression. The caret package in R is a popular package for building machine learning models, and it also includes a KNN model. Here’s how to use the caret package to …