Tag Archives: R for Excel Users

How to utilise CARET Regularised Regression Model in R

How to utilise CARET Regularised Regression Model in R Regularized regression is a type of regression that helps to prevent overfitting by adding a penalty term to the loss function. The caret package in R is a popular package for building machine learning models, and it also includes regularized regression models such as Ridge and …

How to utilise CARET Linear Discriminant Analysis model in R

How to utilise CARET Linear Discriminant Analysis model in R Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) is a statistical method that is used to classify a set of observations into one of two or more classes based on one or more predictor variables. The caret package in R is a popular package for building machine learning models, …

How to utilise CARET Logistic Regression model in R

How to utilise CARET Logistic Regression model in R Logistic regression is a statistical method that is used to predict a binary target variable based on one or more predictor variables. The caret package in R is a popular package for building machine learning models, and it also includes a logistic regression model. Here’s how …

How to utilise CARET Linear Regression model in R

How to utilise CARET Linear Regression model in R Linear regression is a statistical method that is used to predict a continuous target variable based on one or more predictor variables. The caret package in R is a popular package for building machine learning models, and it also includes a linear regression model. Here’s how …

How to find correlations among feature variables in R

How to find correlations among feature variables in R Correlation is a statistical measure that shows the relationship between two or more variables. In R, there are various ways to find the correlation among feature variables. One of the most common ways is to use the “cor()” function. This function calculates the correlation between two …

How to create 3D scatter plot in R

How to create 3D scatter plot in R A 3D scatter plot is a graphical representation of a dataset that shows the relationship between three variables. It is a useful tool for visualizing the correlation between variables, identifying patterns, and comparing the distribution of different groups of data in three-dimensional space. In this blog post, …

How to create scatter plot in R

How to create scatter plot in R A scatter plot, also known as a scatter chart or scatter diagram, is a graphical representation of a dataset that shows the relationship between two or more variables. It is a useful tool for visualizing the correlation between variables, identifying patterns, and comparing the distribution of different groups …

How to create BOX chart in R

How to create BOX chart in R A box plot, also known as a box-and-whisker plot, is a graphical representation of a dataset that shows the distribution of the data. It is a useful tool for visualizing the median, quartiles, and range of a dataset, identifying outliers, and comparing the distribution of different groups of …

How to create PIE chart in R

How to create PIE chart in R A pie chart, is a circular statistical graphic which is divided into slices to illustrate numerical proportion. It is a useful tool for visualizing relative proportions of different categories within a dataset. In this blog post, we will discuss how to create pie charts in R. The most …

How to create bar chart in R

How to create bar chart in R A bar chart, also known as a bar plot, is a graphical representation of a dataset that shows the frequency or the relative frequency of different values. It is a useful tool for visualizing the distribution of a dataset, comparing different groups of data, and identifying patterns. In …