How to save trained model in R

How to save trained model in R

After training a model in R, it is often useful to save the model so that it can be used later without having to retrain it. R provides several ways to save a trained model, which include the save(), saveRDS(), and save() functions in the caret package. These functions can be used to save the model to a file, which can then be loaded later and used for predictions or further analysis.

The save() function can be used to save a trained model to a file. It takes two arguments, the trained model, and the file name where the model will be saved. For example:

save(trained_model, file = "trained_model.RData")


This will save the trained model to a file called “trained_model.RData” which can be loaded later using the load() function.

saveRDS() is similar to save() function but it saves the model in RDS format. This function also takes two arguments, the trained model, and the file name where the model will be saved. For example:

saveRDS(trained_model, file = "trained_model.rds")


This will save the trained model to a file called “trained_model.rds” which can be loaded later using the readRDS() function.

Another way to save the model is using the save() function from caret package. This function is similar to the save() function but it can handle more complex models. This function also takes two arguments, the trained model and the file name where the model will be saved. For example:

save(trained_model, file = "trained_model.rda")


This will save the trained model to a file called “trained_model.rda” which can be loaded later using the load() function.

It’s important to note that the file format and the name of the file depends on the type of model and the use case, so it’s a good practice to consult with experts before saving the model.

In summary, after training a model in R, it’s often useful to save the model so that it can be used later without having to retrain it. R provides several ways to save a trained model, including the save(), saveRDS(), and save() functions. These functions can be used to save the model to a file, which can then be loaded later and used for predictions or further analysis. The file format and the name of the file depends on the type of model and the use case.


In this Applied Machine Learning Recipe, you will learn: How to save trained model in R.


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