Day: January 27, 2021

Statistics for Beginners in Excel – Identifying Outliers and Missing Data using Real Statistics

(Basic Statistics for Citizen Data Scientist) Identifying Outliers and Missing Data The Real Statistics Resource Pack provides an option for identifying potential outliers in a sample. Assuming the sample is normally distributed (based on the Central Limit Theorem), we know that NORM.S.DIST(-2.5,TRUE) = 0.621% of the data should have a z-score less than -2.5. Similarly …

Statistics for Beginners in Excel – Power and Sample Size using Real Statistics

(Basic Statistics for Citizen Data Scientist) Power and Sample Size using Real Statistics Real Statistics Functions: The Real Statistics Resource Pack supplies the following functions for calculating the power and sample size requirements for one-sample and two-sample hypothesis testing of the mean using the normal distribution. NORM1_POWER(d, n, tails, α) = the power of a …

Statistics for Beginners in Excel – Sampling using Real Statistics

(Basic Statistics for Citizen Data Scientist) Sampling Excel provides a Sampling data analysis tool that can be used to create samples. The tool works by defining the population as an array in an Excel worksheet and then using the following input parameters to determine how you would like to carry out the sampling. Input Range – Specify …