Day: March 28, 2020

How to setup an experiment in a Deep Learning model

How to setup an experiment in a Deep Learning model     Setting up an experiment in a deep learning model is the process of designing a controlled study to evaluate the performance of a model on a specific task or problem. The goal of an experiment is to test the performance of the model …

How to test different OPTIMIZERs and Epoch Sizes in a Deep Learning model

How to test different OPTIMIZERs and Epoch Sizes in a Deep Learning model     Testing different optimizers and epoch sizes in a deep learning model is a way to evaluate which combination of optimizer and number of training iterations (epochs) works best for a specific problem. Optimizers are used to adjust the weights of …

How to test different OPTIMIZERs in a Deep Learning model

How to test different OPTIMIZERs in a Deep Learning model   Testing different optimizers in a deep learning model is a way to evaluate which optimizer works best for a specific problem. Optimizers are used to adjust the weights of the model to minimize the loss function, and different optimizers can have different properties that …

How to test RMSprop() OPTIMIZER in a Deep Learning model

How to test RMSprop() OPTIMIZER in a Deep Learning model     RMSprop is an optimizer used in deep learning to update the weights of a model during training. Optimizers are used to adjust the weights of the model to minimize the loss function, and different optimizers can have different properties that make them more …

How to reduce overfitting in a Deep Learning model

How to reduce overfitting in a Deep Learning model   Overfitting is a common problem in deep learning, where a model becomes too complex and starts to memorize the training data instead of generalizing to new unseen data. This can lead to poor performance on new data and a high training accuracy but a low …

How to incorporate Multiple Layers in a Deep Learning model

How to incorporate Multiple Layers in a Deep Learning model   Incorporating multiple layers in a deep learning model can help to improve its performance by allowing it to learn more complex features from the data. A deep learning model consists of layers of artificial neurons, each layer learning a different set of features from …

How to use cross_val_score for Cross Validation in Keras

How to use cross_val_score for Cross Validation in Keras   Cross-validation is a technique used to evaluate the performance of a machine learning model by dividing the dataset into different subsets and training and evaluating the model on different subsets of the data. This can provide a more robust estimate of the model’s performance. In …

How to use KFold Cross Validation in Keras

How to use KFold Cross Validation in Keras     K-fold cross validation is a technique used to evaluate the performance of a machine learning model by dividing the dataset into k folds or partitions and training the model k times, each time using a different fold as the validation set and the remaining k-1 …

How to use automatic verification within dataset in Keras

How to use automatic verification within dataset in Keras   Automatic verification within a dataset in Keras is a technique used to check the quality and consistency of the data before it is used to train a deep learning model. This can help to ensure that the model is not trained on bad data that …

How to visualize accuracy in Deep Leaning Model in Keras

How to visualize accuracy in Deep Leaning Model in Keras   Visualizing the accuracy of a deep learning model in Keras can provide insights into how well the model is performing during training and help identify overfitting or underfitting. The accuracy is a measure of how many predictions made by the model are correct and …