Tag Archives: scikit-learn

Applied Machine Learning with Ensembles: Extra Trees Ensembles

Applied Machine Learning with Ensembles: Extra Trees Ensembles Extra Trees Ensemble is a machine learning algorithm in Python that combines multiple decision tree models to create a strong model. It is a type of ensemble method, which is a technique that combines the predictions of multiple models to improve the performance. The Extra Trees algorithm …

Applied Machine Learning with Ensembles: Bagging CART Ensembles

Applied Machine Learning with Ensembles: Bagging CART Ensembles Bagging CART Ensemble is a machine learning algorithm in Python that combines multiple decision tree models to create a strong model. It is a type of ensemble method, which is a technique that combines the predictions of multiple models to improve the performance. The Bagging CART algorithm …

Applied Machine Learning with Ensembles: AdaBoost Ensembles

Applied Machine Learning with Ensembles: AdaBoost Ensembles AdaBoost Ensemble is a machine learning algorithm in Python that combines multiple weak models to create a strong model. It is a type of ensemble method, which is a technique that combines the predictions of multiple models to improve the performance. The AdaBoost algorithm starts by training a …

How to create a pipeline that standardizes the data and create model

How to create a pipeline that standardizes the data and create model Creating a pipeline that standardizes the data and creates a model is a common task in machine learning. A pipeline is a sequence of steps that are executed in order to accomplish a certain task. In this case, the pipeline will be used …

How to create a pipeline that extracts features from the data and create model

How to create a pipeline that extracts features from the data and create model Creating a pipeline that extracts features from the data and creates a model is a common task in machine learning. A pipeline is a sequence of steps that are executed in order to accomplish a certain task. In this case, the …

Applied Data Science Coding with Python: Regression with Support Vector Machine Algorithm

Applied Data Science Coding with Python: Regression with Support Vector Machine Algorithm Regression with the Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm is a method for solving regression problems in machine learning. It is a type of supervised learning algorithm that can be used for both linear and non-linear regression. The SVM algorithm for regression starts by …

Regression with Ridge Algorithm

Regression with Ridge Algorithm Regression with the Ridge algorithm is a method for solving regression problems in machine learning. It is a linear regression model that includes L2 regularization, which is a technique that adds a penalty term to the loss function to reduce the complexity of the model. The Ridge algorithm starts by defining …

Applied Data Science Coding with Python: Linear Regression Algorithm

Applied Data Science Coding with Python: Linear Regression Algorithm Linear Regression is a statistical method for predicting a continuous variable from one or more variables. Linear regression is one of the simplest and most widely used predictive models in machine learning. It assumes that the relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable is …

Applied Data Science Coding with Python: Regression with Lasso Algorithm

Regression with Lasso Algorithm Regression with the Lasso algorithm is a method for solving regression problems in machine learning. It is a linear regression model that includes L1 regularization, which is a technique that adds a penalty term to the loss function to reduce the complexity of the model. The Lasso algorithm aims to find …

Applied Data Science Coding with Python: Regression with KNN Algorithm

Applied Data Science Coding with Python: Regression with KNN Algorithm Regression with the K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) algorithm is a method for solving regression problems in machine learning. It is based on the idea that similar data points tend to have similar target variable values. The KNN algorithm for regression starts by finding the K number …