Tag Archives: R Classification

How to use stacking of Machine Learning Algorithms in R

How to use stacking of Machine Learning Algorithms in R Stacking is a technique that can be used to improve the performance of machine learning algorithms. It is a method of combining the predictions of multiple models to produce a more accurate final prediction. In this blog post, we will discuss how to use stacking …

How to tune parameters in R: Automatic tuning of Random Forest Parameters

How to tune parameters in R: Automatic tuning of Random Forest Parameters Random Forest is a popular machine learning algorithm that is used for both classification and regression tasks. One of the main advantages of Random Forest is that it can handle large amounts of data and is relatively easy to tune. However, tuning the …

How to setup a Machine Learning Classification problem in R

How to setup a Machine Learning Classification problem in R Setting up a machine learning classification problem in R involves several steps, such as loading the data, preparing the data, selecting and training a model, and evaluating the model’s performance. Loading the data: The first step is to load the data into R, which can …