Tag Archives: NumPy

Python Example – Write a NumPy program to find a matrix or vector norm

(Python Example for Beginners)   Write a NumPy program to find a matrix or vector norm. Notes on Vector and Matrix Norms fromĀ here.   Sample SolutionĀ : Python Code : import numpy as np v = np.arange(7) result = np.linalg.norm(v) print(“Vector norm:”) print(result) m = np.matrix(‘1, 2; 3, 4’) result1 = np.linalg.norm(m) print(“Matrix norm:”) print(result1) Sample …

Random Numbers in Python | Jupyter Notebook | Python Data Science for beginners

  Random numbers are a vital aspect of programming, and Python provides several ways to generate them. These random numbers are used in various applications, such as games, simulations, and cryptography. One of the most basic ways to generate a random number in Python is through the use of the built-in random module. This module …

NumPy and Python Crash Course | Jupyter Notebook | Python Data Science for beginners | Examples

  NumPy is a powerful and widely used library in Python for scientific computing and data manipulation. It provides a fast and efficient way to work with large arrays and matrices of numerical data, and enables you to perform various mathematical operations on them such as linear algebra, Fourier transforms, and statistical analysis. One of …

How to check installed version of NumPy | Jupyter Notebook | Python Data Science for beginners

How to check installed version of NumPy   NumPy is a powerful library for scientific computing in Python. It provides an array object, a powerful N-dimensional array that is the foundation for many other libraries such as SciPy, Matplotlib and Pandas. NumPy is widely used for mathematical and scientific computations in Python, and it is …

Random Numbers in Python

Random Numbers in Python   Random numbers are used in many applications such as simulations, cryptography, and games. Python provides a built-in library called “random” that allows you to generate random numbers and perform various operations on them. There are several ways to generate random numbers in Python using the “random” library, such as: Using …

NumPy & Python Crash Course

NumPy & Python Crash Course NumPy is a powerful library in Python for numerical computation and manipulation. It provides several functions for working with arrays, matrices, and mathematical operations. The main data structure in NumPy is the array, which is a multi-dimensional grid of elements of the same data type. Arrays can be used for …