Tag Archives: feature engineering

Unlocking the Power of Univariate Feature Selection in Machine Learning: A Comprehensive Guide with Python

Unlocking the Power of Univariate Feature Selection in Machine Learning: A Comprehensive Guide with Python

Data Science Coding | H2O in Python with Grid Search Cross Validation | IRIS Dataset

Data Science Coding | H2O in Python with Grid Search Cross Validation | IRIS Dataset H2O.ai is an open-source platform that provides a wide range of machine learning algorithms and tools for building, deploying, and managing models. It is written in Java and has APIs for several programming languages, including Python. Grid Search Cross Validation …

SKLEARN Gradient Boosting Classifier with Grid Search Cross Validation

SKLEARN Gradient Boosting Classifier with Grid Search Cross Validation   Gradient Boosting Classifier is a machine learning technique used to classify items into different categories. It is an ensemble method that combines the predictions of multiple weak models, such as decision trees, to make a final prediction. The technique uses an iterative process where each …

IRIS Flower Classification using SKLEARN DecisionTree Classifier with Monte Carlo Cross Validation

IRIS Flower Classification using SKLEARN DecisionTree Classifier with Monte Carlo Cross Validation   The IRIS flower is a popular example in the field of machine learning. It is a type of flower that has different variations, such as the setosa, virginica, and versicolor. In this blog, we will be discussing how to classify the IRIS …

IRIS Flower Classification using SKLEARN DecisionTree Classifier with Grid Search Cross Validation

IRIS Flower Classification using SKLEARN DecisionTree Classifier with Grid Search Cross Validation     The IRIS flower is a popular example in the field of machine learning. It is a type of flower that has different variations, such as the setosa, virginica, and versicolor. In this blog, we will be discussing how to classify the …

How to do Feature Selection – recursive feature elimination in R

How to do Feature Selection – recursive feature elimination in R Recursive feature elimination (RFE) is a feature selection technique that recursively removes the least important features from the dataset. The goal of RFE is to select a subset of features that are most informative and relevant to the target variable, while reducing the dimensionality …

How to create a pipeline that extracts features from the data and create model

How to create a pipeline that extracts features from the data and create model Creating a pipeline that extracts features from the data and creates a model is a common task in machine learning. A pipeline is a sequence of steps that are executed in order to accomplish a certain task. In this case, the …

How to tune hyper-parameters using GridSearchCV in Python

How to tune hyper-parameters using GridSearchCV in Python When building a machine learning model, it’s important to optimize the parameters of the model for the best performance. One way to do this is by tuning the hyper-parameters using GridSearchCV. GridSearchCV is a method that allows you to search for the best combination of hyper-parameters, by …

How to do variance thresholding in Python for feature selection

How to do variance thresholding in Python for feature selection When working with large datasets, it is often important to select the most important features that contribute to the prediction of a model. One technique for doing this is called variance thresholding. In Python, variance thresholding can be performed using the library scikit-learn. The first …