Tag Archives: data visualisation

Visualize Multivariate Data – Box plot in R

Visualize Multivariate Data – Box plot in R In R, a box plot, also known as a box-and-whisker plot, is a useful tool for visualizing multivariate data, or data that has more than one variable. A box plot shows the distribution of the data by plotting the median, quartiles and outliers in a graph. It …

Visualize Univariate Data – Histogram plot in R

  Visualize Univariate Data – Histogram plot in R In R, a histogram is a useful tool for visualizing univariate data, or data that has only one variable. A histogram is a graph that shows the distribution of the data by dividing it into bins and counting the number of data points that fall into …

Visualize Univariate Data – Display Missing Data in R

    Visualize Univariate Data – Display Missing Data in R In R, when working with datasets, it is important to be aware of missing data, as it can affect the accuracy of any analysis or predictions. To visualize missing data in R, there are several methods available. One common method is to create a …

Visualize Univariate Data – DENSITY plot in R

Visualize Univariate Data – DENSITY plot in R In R, a density plot is a useful tool for visualizing univariate data, or data that has only one variable. A density plot shows the probability density function of the data, which is a smoothed version of the histogram. It allows to visualize the shape of the …

Visualize Univariate Data – BOX plot in R

Visualize Univariate Data – BOX plot in R In R, a box plot is a useful tool for visualizing univariate data, or data that has only one variable. A box plot is a graph that uses boxes to represent the distribution of the data and to identify any potential outliers. To create a box plot …

Visualize Univariate Data – BAR plot in R

Visualize Univariate Data – BAR plot in R In R, a bar plot is a useful tool for visualizing univariate data, or data that has only one variable. A bar plot is a graph that uses bars to represent the frequency or count of observations in each category of a categorical variable. To create a …

Beginner’s Project on Regression in Python

Beginner’s Project on Regression in Python Machine learning regression is a type of machine learning where the goal is to predict a continuous value, such as a price or an age, based on a set of input features. It is used to model the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables. …

Applied Data Science Coding in Python: scatter plots

Applied Data Science Coding in Python: scatter plots A scatter plot is a graphical representation of two-dimensional data, where each point on the plot represents a pair of (x,y) values. It is used to visualize the relationship between two continuous variables. Scatter plots can be used to identify patterns in the data, such as linear …

Applied Data Science Coding in Python: histogram plots

Applied Data Science Coding in Python: histogram plots A histogram is a graphical representation of the distribution of a dataset. It is an estimate of the probability distribution of a continuous variable. In other words, it shows how often certain values appear in a dataset. The histogram groups the values into bins, and the height …

Applied Data Science Coding in Python: How to generate density plots

Applied Data Science Coding in Python: How to generate density plots Density plots, also known as probability density plots, are used to visualize the probability density function of a continuous random variable. It gives an idea of the distribution of the data and helps to identify patterns, such as skewness or outliers. In Python, there …