Machine Learning Mastery: Momentum-based Gradient Optimizer introduction

Momentum-based Gradient Optimizer introduction   Gradient Descent is an optimization technique used in Machine Learning frameworks to train different models. The training process consists of an objective function (or the error function), which determines the error a Machine Learning model has on a given dataset. While training, the parameters of this algorithm are initialized to random …

Machine Learning Mastery: Optimization techniques for Gradient Descent

Optimization techniques for Gradient Descent   Gradient Descent is an iterative optimiZation algorithm, used to find the minimum value for a function. The general idea is to initialize the parameters to random values, and then take small steps in the direction of the “slope” at each iteration. Gradient descent is highly used in supervised learning …

Machine Learning Mastery: Mini-Batch Gradient Descent with Python

Mini-Batch Gradient Descent with Python   In machine learning, gradient descent is an optimization technique used for computing the model parameters (coefficients and bias) for algorithms like linear regression, logistic regression, neural networks, etc. In this technique, we repeatedly iterate through the training set and update the model parameters in accordance with the gradient of …

Machine Learning Mastery: Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)

Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)   What is Gradient Descent? Before explaining Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD), let’s first describe what Gradient Descent is. Gradient Descent is a popular optimization technique in Machine Learning and Deep Learning, and it can be used with most, if not all, of the learning algorithms. A gradient is the slope of …

Machine Learning Mastery: Gradient Descent algorithm and its variants

Gradient Descent algorithm and its variants   Gradient Descent is an optimization algorithm used for minimizing the cost function in various machine learning algorithms. It is basically used for updating the parameters of the learning model.   Types of gradient Descent: Batch Gradient Descent: This is a type of gradient descent which processes all the training …

Machine Learning Mastery: Multiclass classification using scikit-learn

Multiclass classification using scikit-learn   Multiclass classification is a popular problem in supervised machine learning. Problem – Given a dataset of m training examples, each of which contains information in the form of various features and a label. Each label corresponds to a class, to which the training example belongs to. In multiclass classification, we have a finite …

Machine Learning Mastery: Types of Learning – Supervised Learning

Types of Learning – Supervised Learning What is Learning for a machine? A machine is said to be learning from past Experiences(data feed in) with respect to some class of Tasks, if it’s Performance in a given Task improves with the Experience.For example, assume that a machine has to predict whether a customer will buy a specific product lets …

Machine Learning Mastery: Classification vs Regression

Classification vs Regression   Classification and Regression are two major prediction problems which are usually dealt with Data mining and machine learning. Classification is the process of finding or discovering a model or function which helps in separating the data into multiple categorical classes i.e. discrete values. In classification, data is categorized under different labels according …

Machine Learning Mastery: Types of Regression Techniques

Types of Regression Techniques   When Regression is chosen? A regression problem is when the output variable is a real or continuous value, such as “salary” or “weight”. Many different models can be used, the simplest is the linear regression. It tries to fit data with the best hyperplane which goes through the points. Regression …

Machine Learning Mastery: Basic Concept of Classification (Data Mining)

Basic Concept of Classification (Data Mining)   Data Mining: Data mining in general terms means mining or digging deep into data which is in different forms to gain patterns, and to gain knowledge on that pattern. In the process of data mining, large data sets are first sorted, then patterns are identified and relationships are …