How to setup CNN layers in Keras for image classification

How to setup CNN layers in Keras for image classification     Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are a type of deep learning model that are particularly well-suited for image classification tasks. CNNs are designed to process data that has a grid-like topology, such as an image. They work by learning hierarchical representations of the image, …

Image classification using RandomForest: An example in Python using CIFAR10 Dataset

Image classification using RandomForest: An example in Python using CIFAR10 Dataset     Image classification is a task of assigning a label to an image based on its visual content. It is a fundamental problem in the field of computer vision and has many practical applications, such as self-driving cars and image search engines. One …

Image classification using GradientBoost: An example in Python using CIFAR10 Dataset

Image classification using GradientBoost: An example in Python using CIFAR10 Dataset     Image classification is a task of assigning a label to an image based on its visual content. It is a fundamental problem in the field of computer vision and has many practical applications, such as self-driving cars and image search engines. One …

Image classification using CatBoost: An example in Python using CIFAR10 Dataset

Image classification using CatBoost: An example in Python using CIFAR10 Dataset     Image classification is a task of assigning a label to an image based on its visual content. It is a fundamental problem in the field of computer vision and has many practical applications, such as self-driving cars and image search engines. One …

How to do Fashion MNIST image classification using CatBoost in Python

How to do Fashion MNIST image classification using CatBoost in Python     Fashion MNIST is a dataset of images of clothing items, such as shirts, pants, and sneakers, with the goal of training models to recognize and classify them. One popular method for image classification is using CatBoost, a gradient boosting library that is …

How to do Fashion MNIST image classification using LightGBM in Python

How to do Fashion MNIST image classification using LightGBM in Python     Fashion MNIST is a dataset of images of clothing items, such as shirts, pants, and sneakers, with the goal of training models to recognize and classify them. One popular method for image classification is using LightGBM, a gradient boosting library that is …

How to do Fashion MNIST image classification using GradientBoosting in Python

How to do Fashion MNIST image classification using GradientBoosting in Python     Fashion MNIST is a dataset of images of clothing items, such as shirts, pants, and sneakers, with the goal of training models to recognize and classify them. One popular method for image classification is using Gradient Boosting, a powerful and efficient algorithm …

How to setup an experiment in a Deep Learning model

How to setup an experiment in a Deep Learning model     Setting up an experiment in a deep learning model is the process of designing a controlled study to evaluate the performance of a model on a specific task or problem. The goal of an experiment is to test the performance of the model …

How to test different OPTIMIZERs and Epoch Sizes in a Deep Learning model

How to test different OPTIMIZERs and Epoch Sizes in a Deep Learning model     Testing different optimizers and epoch sizes in a deep learning model is a way to evaluate which combination of optimizer and number of training iterations (epochs) works best for a specific problem. Optimizers are used to adjust the weights of …

How to test different OPTIMIZERs in a Deep Learning model

How to test different OPTIMIZERs in a Deep Learning model   Testing different optimizers in a deep learning model is a way to evaluate which optimizer works best for a specific problem. Optimizers are used to adjust the weights of the model to minimize the loss function, and different optimizers can have different properties that …