R Program to add 3 to each element in a given vector

How to add 3 to each element in a given vector

Here we are explaining how to write an R program to add 3 to each element in a given vector. We can give one vector value to add three to each one. For the calculation of adding here, we use the plus(+) operator. Here is.na() is used for checking whether the element x is present or not if no it will return boolean value TRUE. The syntax of this function is

is.na(x) – where x is the elemnt to be checked

How to add 3 to each element in a given vector using the R Program

Given below are the steps which are used in the R program to add 3 to each element. In this R program, we accept the vector values into variables A. The result after adding 3 to each element is stored into a variable new. Finally the variable new is printed as the output vector.


  • STEP 1: take the vector values into variable A
  • STEP 2: Consider new as the result vector
  • STEP 3: Calculate the vector sum using the + operator
  • STEP 4: First print the original vectors
  • STEP 5: Assign the result into vector new as new = (A+3)[( !is.na(A) ) & A > 0]
  • STEP 6: Along with the above statement it checks A>0 and whether the element is missing or not using is.na(A)
  • STEP 7: print the vector new as result vector

R Source Code

A = c(1, 2, NULL, 3, 4, NULL)

print("Original vector:")
## [1] "Original vector:"
## [1] 1 2 3 4
new = (A+3)[(!is.na(A)) & A > 0]

print("New vector:")
## [1] "New vector:"
## [1] 4 5 6 7