R Data Viz Example using R Base function

Create a demo dataset to be used for a plot.

# Sample dataset

df <- data.frame(value = rexp(100),
                 group = sample(paste("Group", 1:5),
                                size = 100,
                                replace = TRUE)
head(df, 10)
##         value   group
## 1  1.73062657 Group 5
## 2  0.61503280 Group 5
## 3  1.23291659 Group 3
## 4  1.00408445 Group 4
## 5  0.20420135 Group 5
## 6  0.20878811 Group 4
## 7  2.28364334 Group 4
## 8  0.01004783 Group 1
## 9  0.06807071 Group 5
## 10 0.11449887 Group 4

A simple Box plot using R base function.

Vertical box plot with points

# Vertical box plot
boxplot(df$value, col = "white")

# Points
stripchart(df$value,          # Data
           method = "jitter", # Random noise
           pch = 19,          # Pch symbols
           col = 4,           # Color of the symbol
           vertical = TRUE,   # Vertical mode
           add = TRUE         # Add it over

Horizontal box plot with points.

# Horizontal box plot
boxplot(df$value, col = "white", horizontal = TRUE)

# Points
stripchart(df$value,          # Data
           method = "jitter", # Random noise
           pch = 19,          # Pch symbol
           col = 4,           # Color of the symbol
           add = TRUE         # Add it over

Vertical box plot by group with points

# Vertical box plot by group
boxplot(value ~ group, data = df, col = "white")

# Points
stripchart(value ~ group,
           data = df,
           method = "jitter",
           pch = 19,
           col = 2:6,
           vertical = TRUE,
           add = TRUE

Horizontal box plot by group with points

# Horizontal box plot by group
boxplot(value ~ group, data = df, col = "white",
        horizontal = TRUE)

# Points
stripchart(value ~ group,
           data = df,
           method = "jitter",
           pch = 19,
           col = 2:6,
           add = TRUE