Tag Archives: tabular data analytics

Telco Churn Modelling using Bagging algorithm in R

  Telco Churn Modelling using Bagging algorithm in R   In this Learn by Coding example, we will learn how to predict telco churn using bagging algorithms in R. This example is useful for beginners who has excel background and wish to learn Python programming as well as R programming. Free Machine Learning & Data …


EASY CORRELATION MATRIX ANALYSIS IN R USING CORRR PACKAGE   This article describes how to easily compute and explore correlation matrix in R using the corrr package. The corrr package makes it easy to ignore the diagonal, focusing on the correlations of certain variables against others, or reordering and visualizing the correlation matrix. It can also compute correlation matrix …

Python tutorials for Business Analyst – Python Namespace and Scope

(Python Tutorial – 009) Python Namespace and Scope In this tutorial, you will learn about namespace, mapping from names to objects, and scope of a variable.   What is Name in Python? If you have ever read ‘The Zen of Python’ (type import this in the Python interpreter), the last line states, Namespaces are one honking great idea …

Business Analytics – Why it in important to any Business

Definition: What is Business Analytics? Business analytics is the process of collating, sorting, processing, and studying business data, and using statistical models and iterative methodologies to transform data into business insights. The goal of business analytics is to determine which datasets are useful and how they can be leveraged to solve problems and increase efficiency, …

Machine Learning in R | Classification | Data Science for Beginners | IRIS | LDA | CARET tutorials

    Machine learning is a method of teaching computers to learn from data without being explicitly programmed. One of the most commonly used algorithms for classification tasks is the Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) algorithm. In this article, we will be discussing how to use LDA for classification in R using the IRIS dataset from …