Tag Archives: sklearn

How to do Affinity based Clustering in Python

How to do Affinity based Clustering in Python Affinity Propagation is a method of clustering that is based on the concept of “message passing” between data points. It works by creating a similarity matrix between all the data points and then iteratively updating the matrix to find the clusters. In this article, we will go …

How to do KMeans Clustering in Python

How to do KMeans Clustering in Python KMeans Clustering is a method of clustering that aims to partition n observations into k clusters in which each observation belongs to the cluster with the nearest mean. This method is known as a “centroid-based” approach because it starts by randomly selecting k initial centroids and then iteratively …

How to do Agglomerative Clustering in Python

How to do Agglomerative Clustering in Python Agglomerative Clustering is a method of clustering that starts with each data point as its own cluster, and then merges the closest clusters together until only the desired number of clusters remains. This method is known as a “bottom-up” approach because it starts with the smallest units and …

How to use Nearest Neighbours for Classification in Python

How to use Nearest Neighbours for Classification in Python Nearest Neighbors is a popular method of statistical analysis that can be used to predict a categorical variable based on a set of input variables. In this article, we will go over the basics of how to use Nearest Neighbors for classification in Python. First, we …

How to use Nearest Neighbours for Regression in Python

How to use Nearest Neighbours for Regression in Python Nearest Neighbors is a popular method of statistical analysis that can be used to predict a continuous variable based on a set of input variables. In this article, we will go over the basics of how to use Nearest Neighbors for regression in Python. First, we …

How to create and optimise a baseline DecisionTree Model for Multiclass Classification in Python

How to create and optimise a baseline DecisionTree Model for Multiclass Classification in Python Decision Trees are a popular method of statistical analysis that can be used to predict a categorical variable based on a set of input variables. They are very helpful for both classification and regression problems. In this article, we will go …

How to create and optimise a baseline DecisionTree Model for Binary Classification in Python

How to create and optimise a baseline DecisionTree Model for Binary Classification in Python Decision Trees are a popular method of statistical analysis that can be used to predict a categorical variable based on a set of input variables. They are very helpful for both classification and regression problems. In this article, we will go …

How to create and optimise a baseline DecisionTree Regression Model in Python

How to create and optimise a baseline DecisionTree Regression Model in Python Decision Trees are a popular method of statistical analysis that can be used to predict a continuous variable based on a set of input variables. They are very helpful for both classification and regression problems. In this article, we will go over the …

How to create and optimise a baseline ElasticNet Regression Model in Python

How to create and optimise a baseline ElasticNet Regression Model in Python Elastic Net Regression is a combination of Ridge and Lasso regression. It includes both L1 and L2 regularization term in the cost function. In this article, we will go over the basics of how to create and optimize a Elastic Net Regression model …

How to create and optimise a baseline Lasso Regression Model in Python

How to create and optimise a baseline Lasso Regression Model in Python Lasso Regression is another variation of linear regression that also helps prevent overfitting by adding a regularization term to the cost function. However, it uses a different method than Ridge Regression and tends to work better when we have a lot of input …