Tag Archives: regression

Machine Learning Mastery: Multiple Linear Regression using R

Multiple Linear Regression using R   Linear Regression: It is the basic and commonly used used type for predictive analysis.It is a statistical approach for modelling relationship between a dependent variable and a given set of independent variables. These are of two types: Simple linear Regression Multiple Linear Regression   Let’s Discuss about Multiple Linear …

Machine Learning Mastery: Multiple Linear Regression using Python

Multiple Linear Regression using Python   Linear Regression: It is the basic and commonly used type for predictive analysis. It is a statistical approach to modelling the relationship between a dependent variable and a given set of independent variables. These are of two types: Simple linear Regression Multiple Linear Regression Let’s Discuss Multiple Linear Regression …

Machine Learning Mastery: Univariate Linear Regression in Python

Univariate Linear Regression in Python   Univariate data is the type of data in which the result depends only on one variable. For instance, dataset of points on a line can be considered as a univariate data where abscissa can be considered as input feature and ordinate can be considered as output/result. For example: For …

Machine Learning Mastery: Simple Linear-Regression using R

Simple Linear-Regression using R   Linear Regression : It is a commonly used type of predictive analysis. It is a statistical approach for modelling relationship between a dependent variable and a given set of independent variables. There are two types of linear regression. Simple Linear Regression Multiple Linear Regression   Let’s discuss Simple Linear regression …

Machine Learning Mastery: Linear Regression (Python Implementation)

Linear Regression (Python Implementation)   This article discusses the basics of linear regression and its implementation in Python programming language. Linear regression is a statistical approach for modelling relationship between a dependent variable with a given set of independent variables. Note: In this article, we refer dependent variables as response and independent variables as features for simplicity. In order to …

Machine Learning Mastery: Types of Learning – Supervised Learning

Types of Learning – Supervised Learning What is Learning for a machine? A machine is said to be learning from past Experiences(data feed in) with respect to some class of Tasks, if it’s Performance in a given Task improves with the Experience.For example, assume that a machine has to predict whether a customer will buy a specific product lets …

Machine Learning Mastery: Classification vs Regression

Classification vs Regression   Classification and Regression are two major prediction problems which are usually dealt with Data mining and machine learning. Classification is the process of finding or discovering a model or function which helps in separating the data into multiple categorical classes i.e. discrete values. In classification, data is categorized under different labels according …

Machine Learning Mastery: Types of Regression Techniques

Types of Regression Techniques   When Regression is chosen? A regression problem is when the output variable is a real or continuous value, such as “salary” or “weight”. Many different models can be used, the simplest is the linear regression. It tries to fit data with the best hyperplane which goes through the points. Regression …

Data Science and Machine Learning in Python using Decision Tree with Boston Housing Price Dataset

      Decision trees are a popular machine learning algorithm that can be used for both classification and regression tasks. They work by creating a tree-like structure where each internal node represents a feature and each leaf node represents a prediction. The algorithm starts at the root of the tree and makes a decision …

How to setup a regression Deep Leaning Model in Keras

How to setup a regression Deep Leaning Model in Keras   Regression is a type of supervised machine learning problem where the goal is to predict a continuous value, such as the price of a stock, the temperature, or the weight of an object. In deep learning, a regression model is a neural network that …