Tag Archives: R for Data Science

How to rank feature with importance in R – Feature selection in R

How to rank feature with importance in R – Feature selection in R Feature selection is an important step in the data analysis process, it helps to identify the most important features in a dataset and improve the performance of the model. There are many ways to rank feature importance in R, one of the …

Data Cleaning in R – remove outliers in R

Data Cleaning in R – remove outliers in R Data cleaning is an important step in the data analysis process, and one of the tasks is often identifying and removing outliers. Outliers are data points that are significantly different from the rest of the data, and they can occur for a variety of reasons, such …

Data Cleaning in R – remove NULL values in R

Data Cleaning in R – remove NULL values in R Data cleaning is an important step in the data analysis process, and one of the tasks is often identifying and removing NULL values. NULL values can occur for a variety of reasons, such as data entry errors or data being incomplete. These NULL values can …

Data Cleaning in R – remove duplicate values in R

Data Cleaning in R – remove duplicate values in R Data cleaning is an important step in the data analysis process, and one of the tasks is often identifying and removing duplicate values. Duplicate values can occur for a variety of reasons, such as data entry errors or data being collected multiple times. These duplicate …

Data Cleaning in R – mark missing values in R

Data Cleaning in R – mark missing values in R Data cleaning is an important step in the data analysis process, and one of the first tasks is often identifying and marking missing values. Missing values can occur for a variety of reasons, such as data entry errors or survey respondents not answering certain questions. …

Data Cleaning in R – impute missing values in R

Data Cleaning in R – impute missing values in R Data cleaning is an important step in the data analysis process, and one of the most common tasks is dealing with missing values. Missing values can occur for a variety of reasons, such as data entry errors or survey respondents not answering certain questions. These …

Data Cleaning in R – Fix imbalance Dataset in R

Data Cleaning in R – Fix imbalance Dataset in R Data cleaning is an essential step in the data analysis process, as it helps to ensure that the data is accurate, consistent, and reliable. One of the most common issues that can arise during data cleaning is imbalanced data, which occurs when the number of …

Visualize Multivariate Data – Scatter Matrix plot in R

Visualize Multivariate Data – Scatter Matrix plot in R A scatter matrix plot, also known as a pair plot, is a useful tool for visualizing the relationship between multiple variables in a dataset. It creates a matrix of scatter plots, with each variable being plotted against every other variable. This allows to quickly identify patterns …

Visualize Multivariate Data – Box plot in R

Visualize Multivariate Data – Box plot in R In R, a box plot, also known as a box-and-whisker plot, is a useful tool for visualizing multivariate data, or data that has more than one variable. A box plot shows the distribution of the data by plotting the median, quartiles and outliers in a graph. It …

Visualize Univariate Data – Histogram plot in R

  Visualize Univariate Data – Histogram plot in R In R, a histogram is a useful tool for visualizing univariate data, or data that has only one variable. A histogram is a graph that shows the distribution of the data by dividing it into bins and counting the number of data points that fall into …