Tag Archives: R for Beginners

R tutorials for Business Analyst – Merge Data Frames in R: Full and Partial Match

(R Tutorials for Business Analyst) Merge Data Frames in R: Full and Partial Match Very often, we have data from multiple sources. To perform an analysis, we need to merge two dataframes together with one or more common key variables. In this tutorial, you will learn Full match Partial match Full match A full match returns values that …

R tutorials for Business Analyst – R Dplyr: Data Manipulation(Join) & Cleaning(Spread)

(R Tutorials for Business Analyst) R Dplyr Tutorial: Data Manipulation(Join) & Cleaning(Spread) Introduction to Data Analysis Data analysis can be divided into three parts Extraction: First, we need to collect the data from many sources and combine them. Transform: This step involves the data manipulation. Once we have consolidated all the sources of data, we …

R tutorials for Business Analyst – R Data Frame Sorting using Order()

(R Tutorials for Business Analyst) R Data Frame Sorting using Order() In data analysis you can sort your data according to a certain variable in the dataset. In R, we can use the help of the function order(). In R, we can easily sort a vector of continuous variable or factor variable. Arranging the data can be …

R tutorials for Business Analyst – R List: Create, Select Elements with Example

(R Tutorials for Business Analyst) List in R: Create, Select Elements with Example What is a List? A list is a great tool to store many kinds of object in the order expected. We can include matrices, vectors data frames or lists. We can imagine a list as a bag in which we want to put many …

R tutorials for Business Analyst – R Data Frame: Create, Append, Select, Subset

(R Tutorials for Business Analyst) R Data Frame: Create, Append, Select, Subset What is a Data Frame? A data frame is a list of vectors which are of equal length. A matrix contains only one type of data, while a data frame accepts different data types (numeric, character, factor, etc.). In this tutorial, you will learn- What …

R tutorials for Business Analyst – R Categorical and Continuous Variables

(R Tutorials for Business Analyst) Factor in R: Categorical & Continuous Variables What is Factor in R? Factors are variables in R which take on a limited number of different values; such variables are often referred to as categorical variables. In a dataset, we can distinguish two types of variables: categorical and continuous. In a categorical variable, the …

R tutorials for Business Analyst – R Matrix Create, Print, add Column, Slice

(R Tutorials for Business Analyst) R Matrix Tutorial: Create, Print, add Column, Slice What is a Matrix? A matrix is a 2-dimensional array that has m number of rows and n number of columns. In other words, matrix is a combination of two or more vectors with the same data type. Note: It is possible to …

R tutorials for Business Analyst – R Data Types, Arithmetic & Logical Operators

(R Tutorials for Business Analyst) R Data Types, Arithmetic & Logical Operators with Example In this tutorial, you will learn: Basic data types Variables Vectors Arithmetic Operators Logical Operators Basic data types R Programming works with numerous data types, including Scalars Vectors (numerical, character, logical) Matrices Data frames Lists Basics types 4.5 is a decimal …

R tutorials for Business Analyst – What is R programming

(R Tutorials for Business Analyst) What is R Programming Language? Introduction & Basics What is R? R is a programming language developed by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman in 1993. R possesses an extensive catalog of statistical and graphical methods. It includes machine learning algorithms, linear regression, time series, statistical inference to name a few. Most …

How to summarize correlation coefficients in R | Jupyter Notebook | R Data Science for beginners

  Summarizing correlation coefficients in R is a simple process that can be done using the cor() function and the cor.test() function. In this essay, we will go over the steps needed to summarize correlation coefficients in R. The first step is to load the dataset into R. This can be done using the read.csv() …