Tag Archives: R Classification

Sonar Dataset Prediction in R | Jupyter Notebook | R Data Science for beginners

  Sonar, short for Sound Navigation and Ranging, is a technology used to detect and locate objects underwater. It is commonly used in navigation, search and rescue operations, and military applications. In recent years, machine learning techniques have been used to predict the sonar signals and improve the accuracy of detection. In this article, we …

Applied Machine Learning Coding in R | CARET package | QDA in R | IRIS Dataset

Applied Machine Learning Coding in R | CARET package | QDA in R | IRIS Dataset   R is a programming language that is widely used for data analysis and statistical computing. It has a large ecosystem of libraries and packages that provide a wide range of machine learning algorithms and tools. One of these …

End-to-End Machine Learning: IRIS Flower Prediction in R

End-to-End Machine Learning: IRIS Flower Prediction in R IRIS flower prediction is a machine learning task that involves identifying the type of IRIS flower based on certain characteristics such as the flower’s petal length and width, and sepal length and width. There are three types of IRIS flowers: Setosa, Versicolor, and Virginica, and being able …

End-to-End Machine Learning: Sonar Prediction in R

End-to-End Machine Learning: Sonar Prediction in R Sonar prediction is a machine learning task that involves identifying whether an underwater object detected by sonar is a rock or a metal cylinder based on certain characteristics such as the signal’s frequency and signal strength. Sonar is used by ships and submarines to navigate and detect objects …

End-to-End Machine Learning: Ionosphere Prediction in R

End-to-End Machine Learning: Ionosphere Prediction in R Ionosphere prediction is a machine learning task that involves identifying whether an ionosphere signal is “good” or “bad” based on certain characteristics such as the signal’s frequency and signal strength. The ionosphere is a region of the upper atmosphere that is affected by solar and cosmic radiation, and …

End-to-End Machine Learning: Diabetes Prediction in R

End-to-End Machine Learning: Diabetes Prediction in R Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects millions of people worldwide and early detection is crucial for managing the disease and preventing complications. Machine learning algorithms can be used to predict whether a patient has diabetes based on certain characteristics such as blood pressure, glucose levels, and body …

End-to-End Machine Learning: Breast Cancer Prediction in R

End-to-End Machine Learning: Breast Cancer Prediction in R Breast cancer is a disease that affects millions of women worldwide and early detection is crucial for successful treatment. Machine learning algorithms can be used to predict whether a patient has breast cancer based on certain characteristics, such as the size and shape of a tumor. In …

End-to-End Machine Learning: bagging in R

End-to-End Machine Learning: bagging in R Bagging, short for bootstrap aggregating, is a technique used in machine learning to improve the performance of a model by averaging the results of multiple models. It works by training multiple versions of the same model on different subsets of the data, and then averaging their predictions. In R, …

End-to-End Machine Learning: random search in R

End-to-End Machine Learning: random search in R When training a machine learning model, it’s important to find the best set of parameters that will give the best performance on new, unseen data. One way to do this is by using a technique called “random search.” Random search is a method of systematically finding the best …

End-to-End Machine Learning: optimal parameter search in R

End-to-End Machine Learning: optimal parameter search in R When training a machine learning model, it’s important to find the best set of parameters that will give the best performance on new, unseen data. One way to do this is by using a technique called “parameter search.” Parameter search is a method of systematically finding the …