Tag Archives: python

Python Exercise: Count the number 4 in a given list

  (Python Example for Citizen Data Scientist & Business Analyst)   Write a Python program to count the number 4 in a given list.   Sample Solution Python Code: def list_count_4(nums): count = 0 for num in nums: if num == 4: count = count + 1 return count print(list_count_4([1, 4, 6, 7, 4])) print(list_count_4([1, …

Python Exercise: Calculate the sum of three given numbers

  (Python Example for Citizen Data Scientist & Business Analyst)   Write a Python program to calculate the sum of three given numbers, if the values are equal then return thrice of their sum.   Sample Solution Python Code: def sum_thrice(x, y, z): sum = x + y + z if x == y == …

Python Exercise: Test whether a number is within 100 of 1000 or 2000

  (Python Example for Citizen Data Scientist & Business Analyst)   Write a Python program to test whether a number is within 100 of 1000 or 2000. Python abs(x) function: The function returns the absolute value of a number. The argument may be an integer or a floating point number. If the argument is a …

Python Exercise: Get the the volume of a sphere with radius

  (Python Example for Citizen Data Scientist & Business Analyst)   Write a Python program to get the the volume of a sphere with radius 6. Python: Volume of a Sphere A sphere is a three-dimensional solid with no face, no edge, no base and no vertex. It is a round body with all points …

Python Exercise: Calculate number of days between two dates

  (Python Example for Citizen Data Scientist & Business Analyst)   Write a Python program to calculate number of days between two dates. Python datetime.date(year, month, day) : The function returns date object with same year, month and day. All arguments are required. Arguments may be integers, in the following ranges: MINYEAR <= year <= MAXYEAR 1 <= month <= 12 1 <= day <= number of days in the given month and year   …

Python Exercise: Print the calendar of a given month and year

  (Python Example for Citizen Data Scientist & Business Analyst)   Write a Python program to print the calendar of a given month and year. Note: Use ‘calendar’ module. Python calendar.month(theyear, themonth, w=0, l=0): The function returns a month’s calendar in a multi-line string using the formatmonth() of the TextCalendar class. ‘l’ specifies the number …

Python Exercise: Display the first and last colors from a given list

  (Python Example for Citizen Data Scientist & Business Analyst)   Write a Python program to display the first and last colors from the following list. color_list = [“Red”,”Green”,”White” ,”Black”] Sample Solution:- Python Code: color_list = [“Red”,”Green”,”White” ,”Black”] print( “%s %s”%(color_list[0],color_list[-1])) Sample Output: Red Black   Display the first and last colors from a given …

Python Exercise: Generate a list and tuple with comma-separated numbers

  (Python Example for Citizen Data Scientist & Business Analyst)   Write a Python program which accepts a sequence of comma-separated numbers from user and generate a list and a tuple with those numbers. Sample data: 3, 5, 7, 23 Python list: A list is a container which holds comma separated values (items or elements) between square brackets …

Python Exercise: Write a Python program which accepts the radius of a circle from the user and compute the area

  (Python Example for Citizen Data Scientist & Business Analyst)   Exercise: Write a Python program which accepts the radius of a circle from the user and compute the area. Python: Area of a Circle In geometry, the area enclosed by a circle of radius r is πr2. Here the Greek letter π represents a …

Python Examples for Beginners: Python Code to Illustrate Different Set Operations

(Python Tutorials for Citizen Data Scientist) Python Program to Illustrate Different Set Operations In this example, we have defined two set variables and we have performed different set operations: union, intersection, difference and symmetric difference. Python offers a datatype called set whose elements must be unique. It can be used to perform different set operations …