Tag Archives: neural networks

Introduction to Neural Networks with Scikit-Learn in Python

Introduction to Neural Networks with Scikit-Learn in Python What is a Neural Network? Humans have an ability to identify patterns within the accessible information with an astonishingly high degree of accuracy. Whenever you see a car or a bicycle you can immediately recognize what they are. This is because we have learned over a period …

Learn Keras by Example – How to Visualize Performance History

Visualize Performance History Preliminaries /* Load libraries */ import numpy as np from keras.datasets import imdb from keras.preprocessing.text import Tokenizer from keras import models from keras import layers import matplotlib.pyplot as plt /* Set random seed */ np.random.seed(0) Using TensorFlow backend. Load Movie Review Data /* Set the number of features we want */ number_of_features …

Learn Keras by Example – How to Visualize Loss History

Visualize Loss History Preliminaries /* Load libraries */ import numpy as np from keras.datasets import imdb from keras.preprocessing.text import Tokenizer from keras import models from keras import layers import matplotlib.pyplot as plt /* Set random seed */ np.random.seed(0) Using TensorFlow backend. Load Movie Review Data /* Set the number of features we want */ number_of_features …

Learn Keras by Example – Tuning Neural Network Hyperparameters

Tuning Neural Network Hyperparameters Preliminaries /* Load libraries */ import numpy as np from keras import models from keras import layers from keras.wrappers.scikit_learn import KerasClassifier from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV from sklearn.datasets import make_classification /* Set random seed */ np.random.seed(0) Using TensorFlow backend. Generate Target And Feature Data /* Number of features */ number_of_features = 100 …

Learn Keras by Example – Preprocessing Data For Neural Networks

Preprocessing Data For Neural Networks Typically, a neural network’s parameters are initialized (i.e. created) as small random numbers. Neural networks often behave poorly when the feature values much larger than parameter values. Furthermore, since an observation’s feature values will are combined as they pass through individual units, it is important that all features have the …