Tag Archives: keras

Image classification using Xgboost: An example in Python using CIFAR10 Dataset

  Image classification is a task of assigning a label to an image based on its visual content. It is a fundamental problem in the field of computer vision and has many practical applications, such as self-driving cars and image search engines. One popular algorithm for image classification is XGBoost, a gradient boosting algorithm that …

How to predict cancer (cancer data) using a keras deep learning model

How to predict cancer (cancer data) using a keras deep learning model     Predicting cancer using a keras deep learning model is a process that involves several steps. The cancer dataset is a popular dataset for classification tasks, and it consists of various features such as cell size, cell shape, and bare nuclei, among …

How to predict wine-class (wine data) using a keras deep learning model

How to predict wine-class (wine data) using a keras deep learning model     Predicting the class of a wine using a keras deep learning model is a process that involves several steps. The wine dataset is a popular dataset for classification tasks, and it consists of various features such as alcohol content, acidity, and …

How to predict diabetes (diabetes data) using a keras deep learning model

How to predict diabetes (diabetes data) using a keras deep learning model   Predicting diabetes using a keras deep learning model is a process that involves several steps. The diabetes dataset is a popular dataset for classification tasks, and it consists of various features such as age, blood pressure, BMI, diabetes pedigree function and a …

How to classify Flowers (iris data) using a keras deep learning model

How to classify Flowers (iris data) using a keras deep learning model     Classifying flowers, specifically the iris data, using a keras deep learning model is a process that involves several steps. The Iris dataset is a popular dataset for classification tasks, and it consists of 150 samples of iris flowers, each with four …

How to classify images using CIFAR10 dataset in Keras

How to classify images using CIFAR10 dataset in Keras     Classifying images using the CIFAR-10 dataset in Keras involves several steps. First, you need to import the CIFAR-10 dataset, which is a dataset of 60,000 color images of 32×32 pixels, divided into 10 classes. Each image belongs to one of the following classes: airplanes, …

How to setup a Regression Experiment using Boston Housing dataset in Keras

How to setup a Regression Experiment using Boston Housing dataset in Keras     Setting up a regression experiment using the Boston Housing dataset in Keras involves several steps. First, you need to import the Boston Housing dataset, which contains information about the median value of homes in the Boston area, and various features of …

How to setup a Binary Classification Experiment using IMDB dataset in Keras

How to setup a Binary Classification Experiment using IMDB dataset in Keras   Setting up a binary classification experiment using the IMDB dataset in Keras involves several steps. First, you need to import the IMDB dataset, which is a dataset of movie reviews and their corresponding labels (positive or negative). The dataset contains 25,000 reviews …

How to setup a Multiclass Classification Experiment using Fashion MNIST dataset in Keras

How to setup a Multiclass Classification Experiment using Fashion MNIST dataset in Keras     Setting up a multiclass classification experiment using the Fashion MNIST dataset in Keras involves several steps. First, you need to import the Fashion MNIST dataset, which is a dataset of images of clothing items and their corresponding labels. The dataset …

How to setup an experiment in a Deep Learning model

How to setup an experiment in a Deep Learning model     Setting up an experiment in a deep learning model is the process of designing a controlled study to evaluate the performance of a model on a specific task or problem. The goal of an experiment is to test the performance of the model …