Tag Archives: dataset

Stock Market Forecasting in Python – LSTM model using EuStockMarket dataset

Stock Market Forecasting in Python – LSTM model using EuStockMarket dataset     In this Applied Machine Learning & Data Science Recipe (Jupyter Notebook), the reader will find the practical use of applied machine learning and data science in Python programming: Stock Market Forecasting in Python – LSTM model using EuStockMarket dataset. Forecasting is required …

How to do Stock Market Forecasting in Python – ARIMA model using EuStockMarket dataset

How to do Stock Market Forecasting in Python – ARIMA model using EuStockMarket dataset     Stock market forecasting is the process of using historical data and statistical models to predict future movements of stock prices. One of the methods for stock market forecasting is the ARIMA model which stands for Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average. …

How to do Stock Market Forecasting in Python – ARMA model using EuStockMarket dataset

How to do Stock Market Forecasting in Python – ARMA model using EuStockMarket dataset   Stock market forecasting is the process of using historical data and statistical models to predict future movements of stock prices. One of the methods for stock market forecasting is the ARMA model which stands for Autoregressive Moving Average. The ARMA …

How to do Time Series Forecasting in R – Neural Network model using lynx dataset

How to do Time Series Forecasting in R – Neural Network model using lynx dataset     Neural Network (NN) is a method for time series forecasting that is particularly well-suited for data that have complex patterns and non-linear relationships. Neural Networks are a set of algorithms, modeled loosely after the human brain, that are …

Time Series Forecasting in R – Seasonal ARIMA model using lynx dataset

Time Series Forecasting in R – Seasonal ARIMA model using lynx dataset     Seasonal ARIMA (SARIMA) is a method for time series forecasting that is particularly well-suited for data that exhibit both a trend and a seasonality pattern, such as regular fluctuations that occur at specific time intervals. The SARIMA model is an extension …

Time Series Forecasting in R – Seasonal Random Walk model using lynx dataset

Time Series Forecasting in R – Seasonal Random Walk model using lynx dataset     Seasonal Random Walk (SRW) is a method for time series forecasting that is particularly well-suited for data that exhibit a strong seasonality pattern, such as regular fluctuations that occur at specific time intervals. The SRW model assumes that the future …

Time Series Forecasting in R – Auto ARIMA model using lynx dataset

Time Series Forecasting in R – Auto ARIMA model using lynx dataset   Auto ARIMA is a method for time series forecasting that automatically selects the best parameters for an ARIMA model, which stands for Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average. ARIMA models are a commonly used method for time series forecasting and are particularly well-suited for …

End-to-End Machine Learning: Glass Type Prediction in R

End-to-End Machine Learning: Glass Type Prediction in R Glass type prediction is a machine learning task that involves identifying the type of glass based on certain characteristics such as the glass’s refractive index, sodium content, and magnesium content. Different types of glass have different properties and uses, for example, tempered glass is used for car …

End-to-End Machine Learning: Ionosphere Prediction in R

End-to-End Machine Learning: Ionosphere Prediction in R Ionosphere prediction is a machine learning task that involves identifying whether an ionosphere signal is “good” or “bad” based on certain characteristics such as the signal’s frequency and signal strength. The ionosphere is a region of the upper atmosphere that is affected by solar and cosmic radiation, and …

End-to-End Machine Learning: Diabetes Prediction in R

End-to-End Machine Learning: Diabetes Prediction in R Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects millions of people worldwide and early detection is crucial for managing the disease and preventing complications. Machine learning algorithms can be used to predict whether a patient has diabetes based on certain characteristics such as blood pressure, glucose levels, and body …