SQL with Examples : SQL HAVING Clause


In addition to creating groups using GROUP BY clause, you can also decide which groups to include in the output and which to exclude. For example, you might want a list of jobs for which more than one employee is hired. To get this kind of data you have to filter by group and not by individual rows.

SQL provides a clause for this purpose: the HAVING clause.

Just as WHERE is to SELECT, so is HAVING to GROUP BY. In other words, the WHERE clause filters individual rows, and the HAVING clause filters the groups created by the GROUP BY clause. So when you use the HAVING clause, you effectively include or exclude whole groups of data from the query results.


The syntax of HAVING is similar to WHERE; just the keyword is different. And of course HAVING is used only in conjunction with the GROUP BY clause.

SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
WHERE condition
GROUP BY column_name(s)
HAVING condition;

Sample Table

To help you better understand the examples, and enable you to follow along with the tutorial, we are going to use the following sample table.

This table is part of an ‘Employee Management System’ that contains basic information about employees.

ID Name City Job Salary HireDate
1 Bob New York Manager 60000 2012-03-07
2 Kim Chicago Manager 55000 2014-04-25
3 Eve New York Developer 32000 2015-03-11
4 Max New York Janitor 9000 2015-01-15
5 Joe Chicago Developer 30000 2016-10-05
6 Amy New York Developer 31000 2013-05-13
7 Ray New York Supervisor 40000 2016-01-15
8 Sam Chicago Janitor 10000 2012-02-10
9 Liv Chicago Developer 30000 2014-08-10
10 Ian New York Janitor 8500 2018-01-12

Using HAVING Clause

After the data is grouped, you may want to apply a filter condition to include or exclude certain groups. The HAVING clause is where you should place these types of filter conditions.

For example, the following query returns a list of jobs for which more than one employee is hired.

SELECT Job, COUNT(*) AS emp_count
FROM Employees
Job emp_count
Developer 4
Janitor 3
Manager 2

The first three lines of this query instructs the DBMS to group the data by ‘Job’ and then count the number of employees for each group. The final line adds a HAVING clause that filters out those groups and excludes jobs with only one or no employee.

Difference Between HAVING and WHERE

HAVING is very similar to WHERE. In fact, all the options and techniques you’ve learned so far about WHERE (including wildcards and multiple operators) can also be applied to HAVING.

The only difference is that WHERE filters rows and HAVING filters groups. This is because, WHERE acts on data before it is grouped, and HAVING acts on data after the groups have been created.

To demonstrate, let’s modify the above example to put the grouping condition in the WHERE clause instead of HAVING:

SELECT Job, COUNT(*) AS emp_count
FROM Employees
--An aggregate may not appear in the WHERE clause unless it is
  in a subquery contained in a HAVING clause or a select list,
  and the column being aggregated is an outer reference.

This query fails because the condition in the WHERE clause is evaluated before the grouping occurs. In fact, WHERE has no idea what a group is, so it can’t perform any functions on groups.

Before adding a condition to a query with a GROUP BY clause, think carefully whether the condition works on raw data, in which case it belongs to the WHERE clause; and if it works on grouped data, it belongs to the HAVING clause.

Using HAVING and WHERE in One Statement

You might be wondering if there is a need to use both WHERE and HAVING clauses in one statement? Actually, yes, there is.

Suppose you want to further filter the above query so that it takes into account all the job titles except ‘Janitor’. To do this, you can add a WHERE clause that filters all job titles except ‘Janitor’. You can then add a HAVING clause to filter groups with only two or more employees.

SELECT Job, COUNT(*) AS emp_count
FROM Employees
WHERE Job != 'Janitor'
Job emp_count
Developer 4
Manager 2

Filter Groups by Aggregate Functions that don’t Appear in SELECT

You may use aggregate functions in the HAVING clause, that do not appear in the SELECT clause, as demonstrated by the following query.

SELECT Job, COUNT(*) AS emp_count
FROM Employees
HAVING AVG(Salary) > 30500;
Job emp_count
Developer 4
Manager 2
Supervisor 1

This query groups the data by the ‘Job’ column and then counts the number of employees for each group, but then the filter condition in the HAVING clause excludes all groups for which the average salary is less than $30,500.


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Two Machine Learning Fields

There are two sides to machine learning:

  • Practical Machine Learning:This is about querying databases, cleaning data, writing scripts to transform data and gluing algorithm and libraries together and writing custom code to squeeze reliable answers from data to satisfy difficult and ill defined questions. It’s the mess of reality.
  • Theoretical Machine Learning: This is about math and abstraction and idealized scenarios and limits and beauty and informing what is possible. It is a whole lot neater and cleaner and removed from the mess of reality.

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