R tutorials for Business Analyst – R Data Types, Arithmetic & Logical Operators

  • Basic data types
  • Variables
  • Vectors
  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Logical Operators

Basic data types

R Programming works with numerous data types, including

  • Scalars
  • Vectors (numerical, character, logical)
  • Matrices
  • Data frames
  • Lists

Basics types

  • 4.5 is a decimal value called numerics.
  • 4 is a natural value called integers. Integers are also numerics.
  • TRUE or FALSE is a Boolean value called logical.
  • The value inside ” ” or ‘ ‘ are text (string). They are called characters.

We can check the type of a variable with the class function.

# Declare variables of different types
# Numeric
x <- 28


## [1] "numeric"

Example 2:

# String
y <- "R is Fantastic"


## [1] "character"

Example 3:

# Boolean
z <- TRUE


## [1] "logical"


Variables store values and are an important component in programming, especially for a data scientist. A variable can store a number, an object, a statistical result, vector, dataset, a model prediction basically anything R outputs. We can use that variable later simply by calling the name of the variable.

To declare a variable, we need to assign a variable name. The name should not have space. We can use _ to connect to words.

To add a value to the variable, use <- or =.

Here is the syntax:

# First way to declare a variable:  use the `<-`
name_of_variable <- value
# Second way to declare a variable:  use the `=`
name_of_variable = value

In the command line, we can write the following codes to see what happens:

Example 1:

# Print variable x
x <- 42


## [1] 42

Example 2:

y  <- 10


## [1] 10

Example 3:

# We call x and y and apply a subtraction


## [1] 32


A vector is a one-dimensional array. We can create a vector with all the basic data type we learnt before. The simplest way to build a vector in R, is to use the c command.

Example 1:

# Numerical
vec_num <- c(1, 10, 49)


## [1]  1 10 49

Example 2:

# Character 
vec_chr <- c("a", "b", "c")


## [1] "a" "b" "c"

Example 3:

# Boolean 
vec_bool <-  c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)



We can do arithmetic calculations on vectors.

Example 4:

# Create the vectors
vect_1 <- c(1, 3, 5)
vect_2 <- c(2, 4, 6)
# Take the sum of A_vector and B_vector
sum_vect <- vect_1 + vect_2
# Print out total_vector


[1]  3  7 11

Example 5:

In R, it is possible to slice a vector. In some occasion, we are interested in only the first five rows of a vector. We can use the [1:5] command to extract the value 1 to 5.

# Slice the first five rows of the vector
slice_vector <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)


## [1] 1 2 3 4 5

Example 6:

The shortest way to create a range of value is to use the: between two numbers. For instance, from the above example, we can write c(1:10) to create a vector of value from one to ten.

# Faster way to create adjacent values


## [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10

Arithmetic Operators

We will first see the basic arithmetic operations in R. The following operators stand for:

Operator Description
+ Addition
* Multiplication
/ Division
^ or ** Exponentiation

Example 1:

# An addition
3 + 4


## [1] 7

You can easily copy and paste the above R code into Rstudio Console. The output is displayed after the character #. For instance, we write the code print(‘Guru99’) the output will be ##[1] Guru99.

The ## means we print an output and the number in the square bracket ([1]) is the number of the display

The sentences starting with # annotation. We can use # inside an R script to add any comment we want. R won’t read it during the running time.

Example 2:

# A multiplication


## [1] 15

Example 3:

# A division


## [1] 5

Example 4:

# Exponentiation


Example 5:

## [1] 32
# Modulo


## [1] 4

Logical Operators

With logical operators, we want to return values inside the vector based on logical conditions. Following is a detailed list of logical operators available in R

The logical statements in R are wrapped inside the []. We can add many conditional statements as we like but we need to include them in a parenthesis. We can follow this structure to create a conditional statement:


With variable_name referring to the variable, we want to use for the statement. We create the logical statement i.e. variable_name > 0. Finally, we use the square bracket to finalize the logical statement. Below, an example of a logical statement.

Example 1:

# Create a vector from 1 to 10
logical_vector <- c(1:10)



In the output above, R reads each value and compares it to the statement logical_vector>5. If the value is strictly superior to five, then the condition is TRUE, otherwise FALSE. R returns a vector of TRUE and FALSE.

Example 2:

In the example below, we want to extract the values that only meet the condition ‘is strictly superior to five’. For that, we can wrap the condition inside a square bracket precede by the vector containing the values.

# Print value strictly above 5


## [1]  6  7  8  9 10

Example 3:

# Print 5 and 6
logical_vector <- c(1:10)
logical_vector[(logical_vector>4) & (logical_vector<7)]


## [1] 5 6

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