How to classify “wine” using SKLEARN Bagging Ensemble models – Multiclass Classification in Python

How to classify “wine” using SKLEARN Bagging Ensemble models – Multiclass Classification in Python

In machine learning, the task of classifying wine is known as multiclass classification, as there are multiple classes (or types) of wine that need to be identified. One popular approach to improve the performance of a classifier is to use ensemble models, which combine the predictions of multiple base models to improve the overall accuracy.

One type of ensemble model is the Bagging Ensemble model, which stands for Bootstrap Aggregating. Bagging Ensemble models use a technique called Bootstrap sampling to train multiple versions of the same base model, each on a different randomly chosen subset of the training data. The final prediction is based on the majority vote of the base models. Bagging ensembles helps to reduce the variance of base classifiers, making the overall ensemble more robust to overfitting.

In Python, the scikit-learn library (also known as sklearn) provides an implementation of the Bagging Ensemble model called BaggingClassifier. To use Bagging Ensemble models in python, you first need to import the necessary library, and then you can create an instance of the classifier and fit it to your data. The BaggingClassifier takes as input the base estimator and the number of estimators to be used as arguments, it also provide options to set a number of other parameters like sample size, features ratio, method to sample etc.

It’s important to note that Bagging ensembles can be computationally expensive and may not be the best choice for very large datasets. They can also be less effective with high correlation between the base classifiers.


In this Machine Learning Recipe, you will learn: How to classify “wine” using SKLEARN Bagging Ensemble models – Multiclass Classification in Python.

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