Python Time Series Forecasting

Pandas Example – Write a Pandas program to subtract two timestamps of same time zone or different time zone

(Python Example for Beginners)   Write a Pandas program to subtract two timestamps of same time zone or different time zone.   Sample Solution: Python Code : import pandas as pd print(“Subtract two timestamps of same time zone:”) date1 = pd.Timestamp(‘2019-03-01 12:00′, tz=’US/Eastern’) date2 = pd.Timestamp(‘2019-04-01 07:00′, tz=’US/Eastern’) print(“Difference: “, (date2-date1)) print(“nSubtract two timestamps of …

Pandas Example – Write a Pandas program to create a time series object with a time zone

(Python Example for Beginners)   Write a Pandas program to create a time series object with a time zone.   Sample Solution: Python Code : import pandas as pd print(“Timezone: Europe/Berlin:”) print(“Using pytz:”) date_pytz = pd.Timestamp(‘2019-01-01’, tz = ‘Europe/Berlin’) print( print(“Using dateutil:”) date_util = pd.Timestamp(‘2019-01-01’, tz = ‘dateutil/Europe/Berlin’) print( print(“nUS/Pacific:”) print(“Using pytz:”) date_pytz = pd.Timestamp(‘2019-01-01’, …

Pandas Example – Write a Pandas program to check if a day is a business day (weekday) or not

(Python Example for Beginners)   Write a Pandas program to check if a day is a business day (weekday) or not.   Sample Solution: Python Code : import pandas as pd def is_business_day(date): return bool(len(pd.bdate_range(date, date))) print(“Check busines day or not?”) print(‘2020-12-01: ‘,is_business_day(‘2020-12-01’)) print(‘2020-12-06: ‘,is_business_day(‘2020-12-06’)) print(‘2020-12-07: ‘,is_business_day(‘2020-12-07’)) print(‘2020-12-08: ‘,is_business_day(‘2020-12-08’)) Sample Output: Check busines day or …

Pandas Example – Write a Pandas program to create a series of Timestamps from a DataFrame of integer or string columns

(Python Example for Beginners)   Write a Pandas program to create a series of Timestamps from a DataFrame of integer or string columns. Also create a series of Timestamps using specified columns.   Sample Solution: Python Code : import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame({‘year’: [2018, 2019, 2020], ‘month’: [2, 3, 4], ‘day’: [4, 5, …

Pandas Example – Write a Pandas program to convert year and day of year into a single datetime column of a dataframe

(Python Example for Beginners)   Write a Pandas program to convert year and day of year into a single datetime column of a dataframe.   Sample Solution: Python Code : import pandas as pd data = { “year”: [2002, 2003, 2015, 2018], “day_of_the_year”: [250, 365, 1, 140] } df = pd.DataFrame(data) print(“Original DataFrame:”) print(df) df[“combined”] …

Pandas Example – Write a Pandas program to create a time series using three months frequency

(Python Example for Beginners)   Write a Pandas program to create a time series using three months frequency.   Sample Solution: Python Code : import pandas as pd time_series = pd.date_range(‘1/1/2021′, periods = 36, freq=’3M’) print(“Time series using three months frequency:”) print(time_series) Sample Output: Time series using three months frequency: DatetimeIndex([‘2021-01-31’, ‘2021-04-30’, ‘2021-07-31’, ‘2021-10-31’, ‘2022-01-31’, …

Pandas Example – Write a Pandas program to create a time series object that has time indexed data

(Python Example for Beginners)   Write a Pandas program to create a time series object that has time indexed data. Also select the dates of same year and select the dates between certain dates.   Sample Solution: Python Code : import pandas as pd index = pd.DatetimeIndex([‘2011-09-02’, ‘2012-08-04’, ‘2015-09-03’, ‘2010-08-04’, ‘2015-03-03’, ‘2011-08-04’, ‘2015-04-03’, ‘2012-08-04’]) s_dates …

Pandas Example – Write a Pandas program to create a time-series with two index labels and random values

(Python Example for Beginners)   Write a Pandas program to create a time-series with two index labels and random values. Also print the type of the index.   Sample Solution: Python Code : import pandas as pd import numpy as np import datetime from datetime import datetime, date dates = [datetime(2011, 9, 1), datetime(2011, 9, …

Pandas Example – Write a Pandas program to print the day after and before a specified date

(Python Example for Beginners)   Write a Pandas program to print the day after and before a specified date. Also print the days between two given dates.   Sample Solution: Python Code : import pandas as pd import datetime from datetime import datetime, date today = datetime(2012, 10, 30) print(“Current date:”, today) tomorrow = today …

Pandas Example – Write a Pandas program to create a date from a given year, month, day and another date from a given string formats

(Python Example for Beginners)   Write a Pandas program to create a date from a given year, month, day and another date from a given string formats.   Sample Solution: Python Code : from datetime import datetime date1 = datetime(year=2020, month=12, day=25) print(“Date from a given year, month, day:”) print(date1) from dateutil import parser date2 …