Multi-Class Classification

How to classify “wine” using different Boosting Ensemble models e.g. XgBoost, CatBoost, LightGBM – Multiclass Classification in Python

How to classify “wine” using different Boosting Ensemble models e.g. XgBoost, CatBoost, LightGBM – Multiclass Classification in Python Boosting is a popular machine learning technique that is often used to improve the performance of a classifier. A boosting algorithm combines the predictions of multiple simpler models to make a more accurate final prediction. In this …

How to classify “wine” using SKLEARN Boosting Ensemble models – Multiclass Classification in Python

How to classify “wine” using SKLEARN Boosting Ensemble models – Multiclass Classification in Python In machine learning, one of the most common tasks is to classify data into different categories. For example, classifying different types of wine as red or white. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at how we can use a …

How to classify “wine” using SKLEARN Bagging Ensemble models – Multiclass Classification in Python

How to classify “wine” using SKLEARN Bagging Ensemble models – Multiclass Classification in Python In machine learning, the task of classifying wine is known as multiclass classification, as there are multiple classes (or types) of wine that need to be identified. One popular approach to improve the performance of a classifier is to use ensemble …

How to classify “wine” using SKLEARN Decision Tree models – Multiclass Classification in Python

How to classify “wine” using SKLEARN Decision Tree models – Multiclass Classification in Python In machine learning, the task of classifying wine is known as multiclass classification, as there are multiple classes (or types) of wine that need to be identified. One popular approach to multiclass classification is to use Decision Tree models. A Decision …

How to classify “wine” using SKLEARN LDA and QDA models – Multiclass Classification in Python

How to classify “wine” using SKLEARN LDA and QDA models – Multiclass Classification in Python In machine learning, the task of classifying wine is known as multiclass classification, as there are multiple classes (or types) of wine that need to be identified. One popular approach to multiclass classification is to use Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) …

How to classify “wine” using SKLEARN Naïve Bayes models – Multiclass Classification in Python

How to classify “wine” using SKLEARN Naïve Bayes models – Multiclass Classification in Python In machine learning, the task of classifying wine is known as multiclass classification, as there are multiple classes (or types) of wine that need to be identified. One popular approach to multiclass classification is to use Naive Bayes models, which are …

How to classify “wine” using SKLEARN linear_models – Multiclass Classification in Python

How to classify “wine” using SKLEARN linear_models – Multiclass Classification in Python Classifying wine can be an important task for those in the wine industry. In machine learning, this task is known as multiclass classification, as there are multiple classes of wine that need to be identified. One popular approach to multiclass classification is to …

IRIS Flower Classification using Logistic Regression Classifier

IRIS Flower Classification using Logistic Regression Classifier   IRIS flower classification is a common problem in machine learning. The IRIS dataset is a well-known dataset that contains information about different types of IRIS flowers, including their sepal length, sepal width, petal length, and petal width. The goal of IRIS flower classification is to use this …