Data Analysis, Data Visualization and Clustering using insurance patient data in Python and Plotly

Data Analysis, Data Visualization and Clustering using insurance patient data in Python and Plotly In this Learn by Coding tutorial, you will learn how to perform clustering, data analysis and data visualization in Python and Plotly using insurance patient cost Dataset. This dataset is freely available. We learn how to plot / visualize different feature …

Afghanistan Population Prediction using ARIMA model in Python

Applied Machine Learning and Data Science is made easy at SETScholars. SETScholars aims to guide you to become a Predictive Analytics & Data Science specialist by exploring machine learning & deep learning tools in Python, R & SQL. In this end-to-end learn by coding article, you will learn how to do an end-to-end predictive analytics project on Afghanistan Population Prediction using ARIMA model in Python.

Python Built-in Methods – Python List count() Method

Python List count() Method Counts the number of occurrences of an item Usage Use count() method to find the number of times the specified item appears in the list. Syntax list.count(item) Parameter Condition Description item Required Any item (of type string, list, set, etc.) you want to search for. Examples # Count number of occurrences of ‘red’ L = [‘red’, …

C++ for Beginners: C++ Program to Swap Numbers in Cyclic Order Using Call by Reference

(C++ programming Example for Beginners) C++ Program to Swap Numbers in Cyclic Order Using Call by Reference This program takes three integers from the user and swaps them in cyclic order using pointers. Three variables entered by the user are stored in variables a, b and c respectively. Then, these variables are passed to the function cyclicSwap(). Instead of passing the …

Python Example – Write a Python program to get the key value and item in a dictionary

(Python Example for Citizen Data Scientist & Business Analyst)   Write a Python program to get the key, value and item in a dictionary.   Sample Solution: Python Code: dict_num = {1: 10, 2: 20, 3: 30, 4: 40, 5: 50, 6: 60} print(“key value count”) for count, (key, value) in enumerate(dict_num.items(), 1): print(key,’ ‘,value,’ …

Python Example – Write a Python program to find the highest 3 values in a dictionary

(Python Example for Citizen Data Scientist & Business Analyst)   Write a Python program to find the highest 3 values in a dictionary.   Sample Solution: Python Code: from heapq import nlargest my_dict = {‘a’:500, ‘b’:5874, ‘c’: 560,’d’:400, ‘e’:5874, ‘f’: 20} three_largest = nlargest(3, my_dict, key=my_dict.get) print(three_largest) Sample Output: [‘e’, ‘b’, ‘c’]   Write a …