Month: March 2019

How to split train test dataset for machine learning in R

How to split train test dataset for machine learning in R Splitting a dataset into a training set and a test set is an important step in machine learning. It allows to train the model on one set of data and then evaluate its performance on a separate set of data. This can help to …

How to visualise a Dataset according to its Class variables in R

How to visualise a Dataset according to its Class variables in R Visualizing a dataset according to its class variables in R is a useful way to understand the distribution and relationship between different classes. A class variable is a categorical variable that can take on a limited number of values, also known as factors. …

How to visualise correlation in R

How to visualise correlation in R Visualizing correlation in R is an important step in understanding the relationship between different variables in a dataset. Correlation can be positive, negative or zero. Positive correlation means that as one variable increases, the other variable also increases. Negative correlation means that as one variable increases, the other variable …