Day: January 31, 2019

How to check model’s accuracy using Cross Validation in Python

How to check model’s accuracy using Cross Validation in Python When building a machine learning model, it’s important to evaluate its accuracy to make sure it’s performing well. One technique for doing this is called cross-validation. Cross-validation is a method that allows to test the model’s accuracy by dividing the data into several parts, training …

How to create TRAIN and TEST dataset using sklearn and Python

How to create TRAIN and TEST dataset using sklearn and Python When working with machine learning, it’s important to split the data into a training and testing set to evaluate the performance of your model. This is known as a train-test split, and it’s a common practice in machine learning. In Python, the library scikit-learn …

How to do variance thresholding in Python for feature selection

How to do variance thresholding in Python for feature selection When working with large datasets, it is often important to select the most important features that contribute to the prediction of a model. One technique for doing this is called variance thresholding. In Python, variance thresholding can be performed using the library scikit-learn. The first …

How to do recursive features elimination in Python using DecisionTreeRegressor

How to do recursive features elimination in Python using DecisionTreeRegressor Recursive feature elimination (RFE) is a technique used in machine learning to determine the most important features in a dataset. This is done by iteratively removing the least important feature until a certain number of features is reached. In Python, one can use the library …

How to drop out highly correlated features in Python

How to drop out highly correlated features in Python In machine learning, correlated features can cause problems because they can provide redundant information to the model. Having too many correlated features can also increase the risk of overfitting. One way to deal with correlated features is to drop some of them. This process is called …